Our Development Plan

All staff and Governors are committed to ensuring that Parkside Community Primary and Preschool continues to strive to be the very best it can be.  At the end of each academic year we conduct a thorough evaluation of the school and preschool allowing the identification of both strengths and areas to develop.  This evaluation leads to the identification of targets (and supporting actions) for the year(s) to follow, and forms the 'backbone' of much of our work at Parkside.  This document is called the School Development Plan (SDP). Each target set out within our SDP is linked to the most appropriate judgement category as set out in the Ofsted Inspection Framework. 

Quality of Education

Develop delivery of Foundation Subjects

To ensure that all foundation subjects are delivered in a consistent way with high quality vocabulary, dialogic questioning and assessment for learning.

Further personalise the Parkside curriculum

To ensure the Parkside curriculum continues to evolve into a personalised curriculum that meets the needs of all learners with a focus on developing detailed knowledge and understanding.

Greater Depth outcomes in writing in KS2

To increase the percentage of children achieving Greater Depth in writing in the KS2 to at or above the national outcomes (13% in 2023).

Leadership and Management

SEN structure/provision  

To establish and embed a new SEN leadership structure.

Early Years

To develop the Preschool offer   

Ensure the Preschool is run and organised in an efficient way to meet the needs of the school, parents and children.