Early Years Curriculum

At Parkside our curriculum and provision reflects the needs and interests of the cohorts of children.  We encourage children to build positive relationships and provide an environment that challenges and encourages learning through exploration and positive adult interaction.  

Link to Tapestry for parents

The Parkside Early Years Curriculum

We have a bespoke EYFS curriculum, designed to take into account our school's unique context. Children are offered learning opportunities based on physical development, language and social development, as well as core skills in literacy, maths, technology. Communication and language development opportunities will underpin all provision and modelled teaching.

 Encouraging creativity is central to this approach. This curriculum uses the environment around us; this includes regular use of the Forest School, the school farm, animal care (through the farm and through visiting organisations) and local community events. Our approach has been interlaced into the Cornerstones Curriculum (used throughout the school) and the Birth to Five Framework,  so that children transitioning into Foundation Stage (Reception class) at Parkside are already working towards identified end points. This ensures consistency within the learning of all subjects, but also ensures children leaving the Foundation Stage are ready to enter the National Curriculum year groups with the appropriate skills and knowledge.

Staff ensure that all children are able to access a wide range of activities and opportunities. There will be a balance of child initiated learning experiences, guided learning and direct teaching across the children’s time in Preschool and Reception. These are available with the expectation that children are as independent as possible for their developmental stage. Resources which offer challenge are in every area of the environment and access to outdoor provision is all year round. Areas of learning are defined by resources and adult questioning and challenge. 

Through constant observation by skilled staff, children are encouraged if they lack enthusiasm or motivation, developed to think for themselves and try new activities if they plateau in their play, and their learning opportunities enhanced to create interest and wonder.  These opportunities to learn through play and exploration are  shared to home throughTapestry recordings.