Parkside Preschool
In January 2017, we set up Parkside Preschool, which is now based on our school site and makes use of our school facilities. The preschool is a natural addition to our school and is staffed by a manager and practitioners. This ensures we have quality learning provision in place.
Active learning
Early Years at Parkside is committed to offering quality care and provision for every child. We have a strong focus on a play based curriculum and catering for individual children’s interests. The characteristics of effective learning underpin all we do in the Early Years. The environments, both indoors and out, support high quality learning experiences.
The school community
Parkside Preschool is very much a part of the whole school community. All of the children in both Preschool and Reception use the school facilities which include: large hall, forest school, field, school farm, computers and library. If your child goes on to attend Parkside Primary this provides a seamless transition into Reception.
Meaningful experiences
We ensure observation and assessment is at the heart of all we do, creating plans for inspiring and meaningful learning experiences for every child based on their own fascinations and needs. We plan for provision within every area of learning, the 3 Prime Areas and the 4 Specific Areas. At Parkside we work closely with parents and carers, valuing them as true partners in learning.
Please click on the following link in order to make an initial enquiry for a space at Parkside Preschool.