Year 2
Year 2 is a special year when the children can suddenly put into action all the learning from Reception and Year 1, we have lots of ‘light bulb’ moments!
Year 2 class resources
Welcome from the class teacher
Hi my name is Tabby Hopwood and I’m the Year 2 teacher at Parkside. Teaching Year 2 is brilliant, the children love being the eldest in Key Stage 1 and it’s amazing to see how they mature and grow over the year ready to start in Key Stage 2. It’s a special year when they suddenly can put into action all the learning from Reception and Year 1, we have lots of ‘light bulb’ moments!
Over the year we learn about lots of different things. Our main topics are Movers and Shakers, all about significant people, Coastline and Magnificent Monarchs. We build on everything that they already know from Year 1 to develop their science and maths understanding. Lots of the maths we do lays the foundation for future understanding. I have a passion for English and love to see the Year 2s using all their phonic sounds to become fluent readers and develop a love of reading. We are always sharing stories and poems and the children are encouraged to share their own writing with the class - they are all budding authors! Year 2 is a fab year!