Our Staff Team
The dedicated team of professionals who make up the Parkside staff team are listed below.
Senior Leadership Team
Derek Hollywood
Headteacher / DSL
Marion Tooze
Interim Deputy Headteacher
Staff Team
We pride ourselves at Parkside that all staff work across the school. This allows the children to benefit from a wide range of experience and specialisms. The staffing list below, sets out the principle teaching team for each class, recognising that all staff regularly work across the school in a range of teaching and support roles.
Early Years - Preschool - Emma Keeley (Deputy Manager), Jules Mepham, Yasmin Swithenbank, Yvette Wicker, Toni Butcher
Early Years - Reception - Emily Kay (EYFS lead), Julia Cox, Toni Wheatley
Year 1 - Jessica Holland, Danielle Shattell, Sophie Cooper
Year 2 - Emily Wilson, Jane Barker
Year 3 - Tabby Hopwood (4 days), Natalie Wilding (one day), Charlotte Armstrong,
Year 4 - Marion Tooze (Interim Deputy Head), Ewa Rix,
Year 5 - Val Joy and Natalie Wilding (term 1)/Natalie Sherlock (term 2 onwards), Guiliya Phoa,
Year 6 - Nicole Worsell, Donna Parker
Forest School - Helen Dobson, Val Joy (Year 5),
Interventions and Support - Wendy Voice, Laura Selsby, Caroline Lowther,
SENCO - Michelle Grayson
Assistant SENCO - Natalie Wilding
Secretary - Jo Dixon
Business Manager - Graham Holland
Caretaker - Steve Reed
WRAP Care - Wendy Voice, Danielle Shattell, Molly Allen